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Huamanga Food Festival (Peru)

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]The Huamanga Food Festival was organised on May 25 and 26, 2012 in the northern part of the Ayacucho, Peru, by CHIRAPAQ (Centro de CulturasIndígenasdelPerú) and supported by The Indigenous Partnership with the collaboration of SONIA (Society for New Initiatives and Activities for a Just New World).

Prior to the festival, CHIRAPAQ held a two day seminar on sustainable agriculture and food sovereigntythat gathered 53 indigenous promoters under one roof. During the seminar, exchange of information between the knowledge holders of agroecological technologies specific to the high altitude Andean plateau took place.

The festival gathered 81 exhibitors from seven indigenous distinct peoples, spanning from the Andes to the Amazon. In addition, an indigenous lady from Mexico shared the methods of preparation of young leaves of cactus (nopal) in soups and salads, a product widely available in Peru but not used as food. Altogether, 382 varieties of products were showcased, as well as over 20 different varieties of dishes, 15 of traditional bread and 10 varieties of traditional drinks, prepared by women and men from the mountains to the Amazon. These were shared with the visitors (estimated at about 4000 people). Eight indigenous organizations, both of indigenous and international origins, exhibited their foods and cultural diversity and exchanged experiences and information with the public. Five distinct peoples explained to the gathered crowds the varieties of medicinal plants and their health benefits. Twenty-five indigenous women and men, representing Andean and Amazonian peoples, had the opportunity to share their cooking skills. Further demonstrations included the weaving waistbands with looms, making woollen or alpaca clothing, preparing artistic fabric and canvases painted with natural colours made from different tree barks, and various ornaments made of seeds from the forest.

A successful communication campaign was promoted prior and during the event through interviews in local radios and television channels to diffuse the information about the festival and its objectives. In addition, during the entire days of the festival, the community based communication promoters, were interviewing the delegates as well as the visitors. This resulted in an intense community awareness. Also journalists from the major national newspaper and television reporters were present and covered the entire event.

The salient features of the festival were captured in a video, realised in collaboration with the Latin American network of indigenous video and film makers, and is available on Chirapaq website in both Spanish and English.

To learn more…

CocinaIndigena para erradicar el hambre y la desnutrition (CHRAPAQ) Recuperation de tecnicas y reconocimientos para la securidad y soberaniaalimentar (CHIRAPAQ)[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]


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