Fellows walk away with unparalleled knowledge and experiences
Gen-Y of matriarchal societies to shape and revitalise their Indigenous Food Systems
A day at the WFP Headquarters: Fellows gain insights about nutrition in conflict-ridden areas
The Fellows formulated community-specific work plans based on the VIPP methodology
Designing a roadmap to funding with the aid of the concept of systems thinking
Day 7 in Rome: The Fellows are inundated about indigenous peoples’ rights
Day 6 in Rome: Fellows identify around 12 wild edible plants during an ABD walk
Day 5 in Rome: The Fellows learnt about the promotion of neglected & underutilised species
Day 4 in Rome: Session on landscape approaches for biodiversity conservation and livelihoods improve
Day 3 in Rome: Fellows visit the Campagna Amica farmers’ market
Day 2 in Rome: TIP and Procasur explore possibilities of a future collaboration
Day 1 in Rome: The Fellows visit Bioversity International
The Fellows proceed to Rome for the 2nd leg of the Youth Fellowship 2019
TIP Fellows 2019 exchange ideas during a three-day work retreat at Meghalaya
NESFAS inaugurates the 2nd edition of the TIP Youth Fellowship Programme
NESFAS to foster a glocal partnership by hosting the TIP Fellowship Programme 2019