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Il nostro sogno è un mondo in cui le popolazioni indigene guidino la protezione, l'uso sostenibile e il ripristino di sistemi alimentari con biodiversità.

TIP announces new “Evidence finding” project, funded by the Rockefeller Foundation
TIP is pleased to announce a new 28-month research project, funded by the Rockefeller Foundation. The project, titled “Demonstrating People and Landscapes thrive under Indigenous Peoples’ Food Systems”, laid its investigative stones in September 2022 and will run until December 2024. It seeks to address important evidence gaps relating to Indigenous People’s Food Systems (IPFS) and their contributions to current debates around global food system sustainability.
Agroecology Assessment Of Indigenous Peoples’ Food Systems Report
Methodological Reflection Report

SUGGERIMENTO Diamo il benvenuto ai nuovi membri del comitato consultivo
Il comitato consultivo di TIP ha il 42% di donne, il 42% di giovani voci progressiste e sono rappresentate tutte e 7 le regioni dei popoli indigeni socio-culturali.
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