บือเดอเจ๊ะ (ข้าวเปลือกกับเงิน)
Rice and Money
A long, long time ago lived Paddy and Money who thought they were powerful and important to humanity. Paddy said to Money, "I am the great man who can take care of a lot of people." When Money heard that, he replied, "No. It is I, who is powerful and can take care of a large number of people." None of them surrendered to each other and continued arguing until Paddy was feeling hurt and furious. He then ran away into the big cave, whose entrance could be opened and closed. As a result, no one could enter the cave and obtain rice paddy.
Time passed. The rice stored in granaries was reduced and used up. The people have no rice in stock to plant new rice because all the grains had run away and hidden in the cave. When there was no rice, the children did not have food to eat and started to cry due to hunger. The adults were trying to figure out ways to ease the children's hunger. One time, they put money in water and fed that water to the children. It appeared the children were still hungry and kept on crying. Having seen this, their parents were stressed because their children did not stop crying and becoming skinnier and skinnier day after day. When the mothers saw their children becoming so thin, they fed them whatever they could find. Accidentally, one mother found some rice grains scattered on the ground. She then crushed those rice grains, mixed them with water and fed it to her child. When the child ate all the rice mixture, it stopped crying.
After observing the whole incident, the villagers consulted one another and concluded that it was time to search for rice grains because they could not survive from relying on money alone.
They finally reached a conclusion that they had to go to the cave and take the rice back. However, the only problem was that no one could enter the cave because the cave entrance opened and closed at unpredictable times and the duration the entrance closed or opened was also unpredictable. As a result, it would be difficult to get into the cave and obtain the rice.
When it became clear that none of the people could enter the cave, they agreed on asking help from a pigeon. The pigeon agreed to help, so it flew to the cave where the rice was hiding. After arriving at the cave, the pigeon waited patiently for the cave entrance to open. After a while, it saw the cave entrance open, and immediately it took off and flew inside the cave. It carried the rice in its mouth and patiently waited for the cave entrance to open again. After a long wait, it saw the cave entrance open once more and so it quickly took off, trying to fly through it. Unfortunately, the cave entrance suddenly closed and the pigeon nearly got its neck trapped. Fortunately, the pigeon was such a skillful flyer that it could managed through the entrance, but it got one of its feathers pinched. The pigeon wriggled, trying to set its feather free from the cave entrance. It then flew back to the people who were anxiously waiting. The pigeon opened its mouth, spat out the rice grains and gave them to the people.
From that day, the people used the rice grains that the pigeon had given them to plant. When they obtained enough seed stock, the rice grains were distributed to the people who used them to plant rice. Since then, the people had enough rice and food to support themselves and their children. In order to show gratitude to the pigeon, the people allowed the pigeon to freely eat paddy and as much as the pigeon wanted. As mentioned in this quote, "Don't chase away the pigeon eating paddy because the paddy has been returned to us by the pigeon."