Life in Trees
Dorothy Cheruto
Once upon a time, in the heart of the Ogiek Mau forest, there stood a tree known far and wide for its generosity and kindness. The tree was a beacon of life, providing shelter, food, and comfort to all creatures that dwelt within its environment. In addition to its branches and nourishing fruits, the tree's trunk possessed a unique ability to support the growth of traditional vegetables with trunk.
In the early days, a young Ogiek boy would often visit the tree, finding joy in its presence. The child would play beneath its branches, gathering herbs and plants for his family's medicine. The tree, recognizing the child's innocence and curiosity, gladly offered its leaves and bark, knowing they would be used wisely. But it was not just herbs and plants; the tree's trunk supported the growth of traditional vegetables, enriching the family's diet with nutritious greens.
Every day, he would come to the tree, gather fruits from its branches and tenderly pluck vegetables from the soil nurtured by the tree's trunk, finding joy in the simple act of being in its presence.
As time passed, the boy grew into a man, but his bond with the tree remained unbroken. One day, as he returned to the tree, his heart heavy with worries, the tree sensed his distress.
“Why do you look so troubled, my friend?" the tree asked gently."
The man sighed, "I am in need of resources to provide for my family. We lack proper shelter and sustenance."
The tree offered its assistance,
"Though I have no riches to offer, you may take my branches and make shelters for your loved ones."
Grateful for the tree's kindness, the man set to work, crafting a home that would protect his family. With each branch he cut, he felt a sense of purpose and determination.
Years passed, and once again, the man found himself seeking solace beneath the trees. This time, his heart longed for honey for medicinal and traditional Ogiek liquor. The tree understood what the man wanted. It offered its trunk to be made into something useful,
"Take my wood and make bee hives. Let the bees live there and may the honey they make keep you strong."
The man agreed and got to work. He carved the wood into bee hives and put them on the branches of the same tree. He took care of them and watched as the bees buzzed around, collecting nectar from the flowers. With the joy of beekeeping, he came back to the tree that had always been there for him,
“I’ve learned a lot, and I'm happiest here," the man said, feeling thankful."
The tree, old and wise, welcomed him back,
"Rest now, my friend. You'll always have a place here."
The man found peace under the tree once again, knowing he belonged there with the trees and the bees.
The man decided to plant more trees. He wanted to give back like the tree had given to him. He showed his family how important it is to care for trees and plant new ones. Together, they worked hard to plant many trees and taught others to do the same. They hoped this would help keep the forest healthy for everyone to enjoy in the future.
Thus, the man found solace in the comforting embrace of the tree, knowing that no matter where life's journey took him, he would always have a home in the heart of the Mau Forest.